Welcome to BepiColombo–SIXS at Aberystwyth University
On this site you can find information about the SIXS instrument and team, where to find SIXS data and complementary datasets, and dates of special observations.
BepiColombo is on its way to Mercury and already some instruments are collecting data during this cruise phase, including SIXS.

Please note that not all BepiColombo data is public – if you are interesting in SIXS data then please contact: Manuel Grande (mng@aber.ac.uk) or Rosie Johnson (roj40@aber.ac.uk).
Dates SIXS is switched on
- Dec: 6-7, 11-15
- Mar: 6-16, 21-25
- Jun: 3-4, 7-23
- Nov: 25-26, 29-30
- Dec: 2-18
- Jan: 9-21, 25-31
- Feb: 1-21
- Apr: 4-21
- May: 1-31
- Jun: 1-16, 19, 22-23
- Sept: 5-9, 24, 29
- Oct 19-21
- Dec: 15-16
- Feb: 1-2, 8-9, 15
- Apr: 17-18
- Jun: 15-16, 27
- Jul: 6
- Aug: 1, 3, 5, 8-19, 21-31
- Sept:1,7-15, 30
- Oct: 1-3
- Nov: 23-24
Useful resources
- Cluster Science Archive (esa.int)
- SPDF – Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) (nasa.gov) (Quicklook plots for several spacecraft)
- Quicklook Plots (colorado.edu) (MMS data)
- Geotail EPIC Summary Images (jhuapl.edu)
- Spacecraft Footprints and Ground-Based Instruments – 2021/12/01 (335) 0000-2400 UT (nagoya-u.ac.jp)
- amda.cdpp.eu
- Solar-MACH